Welcome to the Northeast Mountaineering Ambassador Team!
MISSION: Build a supportive and inclusive community that allows each member to utilize strengths and skill sets in collaboration with others to create a lasting, positive, collective impact.
WHO WE ARE:The Ambassador Team at Northeast Mountaineering is comprised of hikers, climbers, mountaineers, skiers, photographers, videographers, writers, and outdoor enthusiasts who strive to inspire, educate and entertain by telling stories of the White Mountains and beyond. By sharing images and words, we aim to raise the profile of the White Mountains and promote tourism to our region. In addition, we hope to educate and help other outdoor enthusiasts when they are in need.
An NEM Ambassadors job is quite simple, but extremely valuable.
- Pitch initiatives that you are passionate about and are willing and able to dedicate your time and effort to realize.
- Work closely with the team at NEM to realize your initiative in a professional manner and purposeful, effective and efficient process.
- Wear your NEM swag proudly when you are on your outdoor adventures.
- Promote NEM as a guide service and recommend our services to friends, family and other outdoor enthusiast you may cross paths with.
- Share awesome photos and video of your adventures on social media to inspire, educate and/or entertain.
- Tag @northeastmountaineering, #beyondbasecamp, #nemguides, and #mountainstrong in your social media posts.
- Embark on epic adventures and document them.
- Tell your stories and create great content of the White Mountain area to help raise the profile of our piece of paradise.
- Assist other hikers, climbers, paddlers etc. while in the outdoors. Especially when wearing NEM swag and promoting NEM. Be an asset to the community and lend a hand whenever possible.
As an NEM Ambassador, you will enjoy several perks, which include:
- Annual adventure trip with the entire community. A huge celebration, one time per year, in a location TBD!
- Earn credit toward guided adventures within the White Mountains. Interested in what we are doing? Inquire about joining one of our guided trips.
- Earn credit guided climbs in the Cascades and other locations throughout the country.
- Discounted rates to stay at the Bunkhouse at Northeast Mountaineering. $25 per night. Book online here and use “nemambassador” in the promo field at check out.
- Discounted rental gear at climbingrentals.com. Save 25% on gear rentals with discount code “nemambassador”
- Complimentary NEM Swag.
- NEM guides as a resource of information.
- Become part of an inclusive, supportive community of outdoor enthusiasts dedicated to telling the stories of the wild.
We trust you with the Northeast Mountaineering name and reputation. Please keep this in mind when you share your stories. Illicit content, negativity, unprofessional demeanor and compromising the NEM reputation cannot be tolerated. Let’s keep the mountains wild, but please keep these points in mind when you are posting your stories on social media.
You are a valuable piece of our outdoor community! Keep being awesome, document your adventures and continue to inspire those around you!
Stay up to date and recommend meet ups with other ambassadors and the NEM team.
We believe that the best stories are authentic – derived from direct experience challenging what it means to be human. Your stories are unique and deserve to be shared. We encourage our ambassadors to pitch us their ideas. It may be a blog post, a short film, a magazine article, a weekly, monthly or annual event or something completely different all together. In doing so, we ask that you pitch your idea, what you think it will entail, challenges to overcome, how NEM can assist, etc. We would love to work with you to see your initiatives come to life. We have found that collaboration through community always pushes new ideas to a higher level. This is what we strive for.
Send your pitches, as well as any questions, comments or concerns here.
When we receive pitches, we will work with you immediately to determine the story, provide feedback and give you a deadline, if necessary. It’s possible that we will edit and work with you on your submission before it is accepted.
We understand that at the core, we are all outdoor enthusiasts and we celebrate that! We also understand that New England is a special place that we all adore. We urge you to think (or rethink if needed) your talents. You are an author. We all are, with different experience levels. Getting your stories on paper is far more important than how well it is written. For a story is best served with friends and family.
With that said, we want the information that we publish to be delivered at the highest quality. We are happy to help you with the editing to ensure this happens. Below you will find some guidelines to help you deliver your message.
Without great photos the story falls flat. The ambassador program is thriving because we have a community of creatives that are dedicated to their craft, getting “out there” and collaborating with the community. If you need help with photography, just ask! The Facebook group is perfect for this kind of collaborative engagement. In order for photos to be published you must have shot them or have permission to use them from the original photographer.
Photo Journals
An extensive collection of photos that document and tell a visual story through images.
Long Form Editorial
Journalistic content or a genre of journalism characterized by stories or essays that are several thousand words long, typically combining factual reporting with a narrative and empathetic style: A long-form article can illuminate and humanize your subject. Examples: Trip reports, memoirs, etc.
Short Form Editorial
Journalistic content or a genre of journalism characterized by stories or essays that are under one thousand words long. Examples: Trip reports, Public service announcements, etc.
Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the “news of the day” and that impacts society to at least some degree. Typically requires research and fact finding for accuracy. Samples: Research projects, investigative editorial, etc.
Click Bait
Clickbait is web content whose main goal is to get users to click on a link to go to a certain webpage. Often used to drive traffic and build inflated numbers to a website. Samples: Top 5 Lists, Outrageous takes, etc.
Videos are the way of the future and it is how people primarily consume media. They can make a powerful statement in 30 seconds or 30 minutes.
Podcasts vary in form and function. If you have an inspirational, educational or entertaining format or concept, we would love to hear it!
Education is power and freedom. It is at the core of what we do at our Guide Service. Teach a man to fish and he will eat forever. Therefore, educational contributions are invaluable to the readership.
We are all amazed by stories of success and triumph. Inspirational stories can change the readers day, maybe even their life. Sometimes all they need is the right kick in the ass to make a change. We encourage you not to focus on the accomplishment as the main storyline, but the story behind it that makes it special.
Comedy. Romance. Action. The typical movie genres can help define what mtnENTERTAINMENT is all about. Make people, laugh, cry or flat out feel something.
We want to have conversations with our readers, not talk down to them. Think of this as a virtual EMS store. You walk in on a Friday night before your big trip, pick up a couple last minute items and, at the register, strike up a conversation with one of the guides who asks you where you’re going then proceeds to recommend the best leantos for you to stay in. Except here, you’re the store guide.
Show the reader how enthusiastic and excited you are about what you’re telling them, how much you love your outdoor experiences, and how much of an expert you are. Leave them with little doubt that you knew what you were talking about.
Even though we have skilled editors ready to get your content into publishing shape and optimize it for the web, we like our writers to align as much as possible with our grammar standards, so the editors can focus on content rather than form. You can find some of our more important preferences here. [Based on the Writer’s Guidelines from RootsRated.com.]
Headings and Subheadings
These are guideposts for readers. They help deep readers stay on track, and help scanners find the content that they find most relevant. Use them, not merely to break up content, but to orient people for what’s coming next, and keep them engaged.
In headings, use title case, capitalizing everything but conjunctions, prepositions, and articles (unless any of these start the heading). Periods aren’t good for headings, but a question mark can work wonders. In subheadings, use sentence case, capitalizing only the first word.
Lists are great and make some things far easier for readers to get through and make sense of. Be sure: That your list follows a consistent syntax, so it doesn’t look disjointed. Whenever possible, always try to supply one photo for each corresponding item in the list.
Names and Events
Capitalize only the formal names of places and events.
Bold and Italics
If you need a formatting cue for emphasis, then choose italics, but use it sparingly. There is, however, an exception: using italics for the names of published books, periodicals, newspapers, major works of art, and full-length film titles; unpublished works, minor works of art, and television shows should be set in quotation marks.
Abbreviations and Contractions
Generally speaking, we like them because they’re conversational. But if one in particular is not broadly familiar to readers (especially in the case of some acronyms), then spell it out the first time you use it in a piece.
Starting And Ending Sentences With Conjunctions And Prepositions
It’s okay to start—or end—sentences with and, but, and or. But don’t feel that you have to.
I’m aware it’s unfair and is a disproportionate response, but if you make this mistake, you may not get an email back. There is only ONE space after a period, not two. Two spaces was the rule back when typewriters were used, but not with computers. If you do it, get familiar with the Search and Replace feature before you submit it.
Oxford Commas
Yes, please, and thank you.
Ellipses show that part of a sentence has been omitted. They shouldn’t be used in place of an em dash (—) or to create drama. You can also use ellipses to abbreviate quotea, indicating that some material has been left out: “It’s really a terrific place for some backcountry skiing. … I have been going there for more than 10 years.”
A complex beast. We generally prefer one word over two hyphenated words, simply because hyphens can make it harder to read long text. A hyphen is often necessary when an adjective can also be an adverb, to avoid confusion (e.g. half-laughing; late-blooming). Avoid using with most compound adjectives, where the meaning is unambiguous without a hyphen. Don’t hyphenate words beginning with non, unless the second word is a proper noun. And don’t hyphenate after pre, post, semi, anti, mega, micro, sub, over, super, under, and the like. To paraphrase the old comma rule: it’s clear without, leave it out. You don’t want to look like that guy who still hyphenates “e-mail.”
Em Dashes
Em dashes help give readers a natural pause in their reading—and they can be used to set off a parenthetical statement. However, they shouldn’t have spaces around them, and two hyphens do not make an em dash.
Exclamation Points
We see them as a bit of a writing crutch. In a hyped-up world, good writers can communicate enthusiasm and emphasis, perhaps even more strongly, without using exclamation points. Please avoid.
Spell out one through nine in narrative text, and spell out a number if it’s the first word of a sentence. Feel free to use 1st, 2nd, and so on. For time, use numerals and “am” or “pm” without spaces or periods. For dates, use numerals without nd, rd, st, th. Place a comma between the month and the year and following the year, when all three are mentioned (On January 1, 2012, something happened.) Do not place a comma between the month and the year when the day is not mentioned (Something happened in January 2012.)
Pronouns And Inclusive Language
Rather than using “one” as a pronoun, it’s better to be specific (I, you, he, she, we, they). “One” sounds preachy. When referring to an unspecified person, change the sentence into the plural or rewrite it without using pronouns. Also, avoid gender-specific titles—e.g. rather than “outdoors-man,” use “outdoor enthusiast” or “Sporty Spice.” Okay, maybe not “Sporty Spice.”
Links And Keywords
When referring to another website, link as appropriate. Remember, in today’s SEO world, links to other sites are great! But don’t link from words like “Click here” or “To learn more.” Instead, write as you normally would and then simply highlight and link the most relevant keywords. And be sure to click the “open link in new tab” option when it’s available.
Exceptions To The Rules
There might be exceptions, but they really are exceptions. If you have questions, ask the Editor.
Affiliate links can be a powerful, passive source of income. We strongly urge each of our ambassadors to establish affiliate accounts on avantlink.com and utilize text affiliate links in your articles. In addition to earning credit toward NEM adventures, you can earn real money through affiliate links. Authors’ names will be posted on the story and we always include an “about the author” bio with links at the end of the article.
As an ambassador for Northeast Mountaineering, you represent the NEM guide services, MtnGEAR (online gear rentals), The Bunkhouse at NEM, MountainStrong and Beyond Basecamp. Therefore, curating and creating content for brands in similar markets is a conflict of interest. We are proud that Beyond Basecamp has opened the doors for current members to secure paid gigs and ambassadorships with Revo, Ortovox, Eastern Mountain Sports, stories printed in Wild Northeast, Sidetracked and other international brands and publications. These are success stories and see the same opportunities and others moving forward. However, your obligation as an ambassador is to represent NEM and its affiliated services as THE premier offering in the Northeast and this requires loyalty.
We support other local businesses and are dedicated to a “rising tides raises all ships” mentality – but there is a fine line here. A perfect example is Eastern Mountain Sports – retail vs. guide services. We support EMS retail line 100%. A company birthed in New Hampshire from a passion for great products and a great place. This is exactly what we are about at NEM. They also run a Climbing School providing similar services to NEM Guides. Curating content, sharing content, or using your likeness to promote this is a conflict of interest. Essentially, the expected response when approached for a photoshoot, a shared image on social media or other would be:
“I am thrilled to be featured by EMS {or other company name here}. We share the same passion for the Northeast and wild spaces. As an ambassador of Northeast Mountaineering via Beyond Basecamp, I am happy to share my image or use my likeness, for marketing purposes relating to the EMS retail line. I am uncomfortable and in breach of my agreement with NEM if these assets are used to promote gear rentals and/or guided services at EMS. I sincerely hope you understand and would like to further our relationship with respect for my previous agreement.”
In the end, we love seeing familiar faces become the outward image of brands founded in the Northeast and beyond – and will help foster and promote those opportunities in any way possible. We encourage you to integrate into the outdoor space and capitalize on opportunities to share your images, create content and/or use your likeness and ability to generate income and build your personal brand – within and outside the immediate Beyond Basecamp community. So, get after it!
Beyond storytelling and networking, we offer opportunities to collaborate on a professional level.
Our community is expanding and we want you to join. If you are located outside New Hampshire, start a chapter.
Calling all talented writers, photographers and creatives with a passion for the outdoors to join our Brand Ambassador Team.
These files are for your personal use. DO NOT alter the files in anyway [i.e. color, size, proportions]. If you need a different version of the logo, please contact us at info@nemountaineering.com.