The Figure Eight on a Bight has many uses and is a very strong and simple knot. The main use for it is to tie into the middle of a rope when you cannot use a Figure Eight Retracer. The link to the instructional video is below and on our Facebook page. Enjoy!
Figure Eight on a Bight Video
On another note, we have been taking advantage of the dry spell we are having and rock climbing a lot. We mostly climb in Leominster State Park at Crow Hill, but have also made it out to Rose Ledge in Northfield. Yesterday we had some youngsters (6 and 8) climbing 60ft cliffs! We’re looking forward to what the rest of the summer brings! We are also looking forward to our trip to Washington State in late July to climb Forbidden Peak and Mt. Shuksan. Woo Hoo! Stay tuned for photos…